Tuesday 1 November 2016

Well That Was A Lovely Day

CFCC is over for another year and will be returning in March 2017. It was a fantastic weekend filled with awesome costumes, super friendly people and loads of cool stuff. Saturday started with a bang as the early bird crowd was pretty big and then everything really kicked off as the general public gained access. Thanks to everyone who stopped by for a chat and I'll hopefully be seeing a few of you at my next event in January, Geek I-Con. For those who couldn't make it, here's a picture of what youfailed to witness in regards to my costume.

Ofcourse, Halloween was last night and I don't think it would be inappropriate to show off a little pumpkin carving. Pro-tip for working in a kitchen, tell your boss you're an artist and have him let you spend most of your shift carving a pumpkin.

I can't take credit for the design, that was taken from google as I need to come up with some clever and quick. Apologies for the poor photos.

Next, I've finished the sculpting work on my war pigeon. I think I may have stuck the head back on too far forward. As a result the neck looks very long.

That said, I'm lookink forward to painting it, but I've other things to get painted first. Until next itme.

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