Thursday 9 March 2023

Dirty Goblin Feet

 Something I've been working on. My gaming group have been playing a casual Warcry campaign recently and I been using my Orruk Kruelboyz. Been a lot of fun and has spurred me to get the boyz painted as my next project. On the side lines, I started rummaging in my bits box and found all the spare Hobgrot bodies from the kit. Most of these could be finished into complete models with some armour and filler on the torsos, but the biggest step to get these half-a-models finished would be to sculpt some legs as all of the spare torsos only had the one.

It's been a while since I did any major sculpting work like this and it's been a great bit of practice for sculpting feet. Things turned out really well I think. Obviously I need to get the rest of the models done, but C&C is always appreciated.

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