Tuesday 21 July 2020

Heroes Have Entered The Arena!

This week I've finished off the last of our Battle Company Heroes of note (Any hero that's gained a level). Namely some extra clout for the Dwarves and the Goblins. The Dwarves were pretty easy to create as one was being skilled up to be an archer hero and the other a tank. A little greenstuff to make them stand out from the crowd and they were good to go.

The Goblins, especially the Leader, were a bit more involved. As I was working on the Goblin Boss he ended up growing more dramatic and impressive so to finish him off I built him a crown and gave him a raggedy cape. In normal games he'll be filling in for Gorblog in my Moria army as I am not a fan of the GW one. The second Goblin gained the "Hero killer" rule after the last game. In homour of that I decided to kit him out as an assassin. I had some spare Prowlers in a box so I clipped off the weapons and most of the right arm, added a replacement and a shield. He was also given a raggedy cape to complete the look.

And now for the finished paint jobs. I was able to paint and varnish all four model on the day they were needed, even had an hour or two to spare.

Let's hope they were worth the effort. Tune in for my next post to see how these and the other heroes faired in this weeks game.


  1. I especially love those converted goblins!

  2. Thank you. This has been a fun little project. I'm eager to get level ups for the rest of the heroes and see what becomes of them.
