Monday 4 November 2019

Bloodquest: Prologue

Who remembers Bloodquest? Anyone? A few hands, good! I'm old enough to have read Bloodquest the first time around when it was published in Warhammer Monthly (God, I'm old) and it was great then and it hasn't dulled a bit. I was fortunate enough to grab a second hand copy late last year and that settled the idea in me for a future modeling project.

Fast forward to earlier this year and my FLG had a new box of the Space Marine Heroes pack, perfect. Dynamic models, no major chapter details to muck about with and I only need a handful of models to get the raw materials. I was sold, I was going to make a Bloodquest Kill Team. A handful of exiled marines and some scouts for fodder against the horrors of the 41st millennium, great plot for a narrative campaign to boot. One problem... I bought the packs over several weeks and ended up with 3, yes, THREE of the same posed marine! I already planned to convert everything, but this was going to irritate me to no end.

The project stalled a little after that set back and then all the stress at work through October left me unmotivated. Thankfully, the local bring&buy provided me with the solution. A buddy had just what I wanted, on sale and at a fraction of the cost, I sold off the duplicates I'd been saddled with and I was good to go. A few scouts off eBay and Leonatos and band of exiles were ready to be built.

As the core models already had such solid action poses I didn't alter the models too much beyond their equipment and head swaps. Most of the effort went into sculpting the hair and finding the right weapons. That said, Codifer Furion and Brother Cloten's Axe were the most involved conversions, as you can see:

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