Monday 18 November 2019

Learning Curve

I had a night off earlier this week and a buddy of mine had expressed an interest in learnig to play some 40K. He was big on the lore and I offered to teach him Kill team as it was something I had all the parts to and could be played in an evening. So with a few drinks, quick scribble of roster sheets and a hastily built board, we took to the table.

My Orks were all in storage so that left only my Guard and Night Lords available as usable teams, but this didn't phase us. Abe is a big fan of the 40K lore and no stranger to RPGs so I didn't have to give too much explanation to the stats and rules going in. This was very refreshing for me personally as long winded chats about the piece of paper with numbers and boxes tends to bore people quickly, regardless of how quick I try to make it or how relevant it may be sometimes. Abe bravely took the Imperial Guard whilst I took the Night Lords, we rolled up for the mission and Abe would be on the offensive, trying to capture an objective in my half of the board. This would be bloody.

 Plucky Guardsmen ready themselves for the advance. They have the numbers and the training, but will it pay off against the Night Lords' savagery?

 The Guard Sniper spent the entire game taking potshots at anyone who stuck their head out, but despite his "skills" he only killed was was stood right in front of him... on a bridge.... in the open..... and that took more luck than was called for.

 The plasma gunners, hear the rumble of heavy bolter fire around the corner and ready to return the favour.
 Across the way, the Comms team meets the Night Lords Zealot with predictable results.
The Cultist uses the Zealot's charge as a distraction to get past the Comms team.

 The Plasma Gunners rush the Night Lords only for the traitors to counter charge their efforts.
 Heroism finally come to bare as the surviving Plasma Gunner over charges his weapon to kill the Traitor Champion, leaving the Night Lords leaderless. He gives his life to complete the deed as the plasma cells explode.

 In an attempt to avenge his men and buy time for the others to complete the mission, Sgt. Capp charges the Astartes.
His survival is not assured.
 The grizzled veteran and the last of the Guardsmen, make it to within sight of the objective, but it's too late. cut off from reserves and all other team mates dead, only the veteran holds long enough to charge the objective.
 His efforts are for naught, as he is gunned down by the Traitors. The Guard Sniper, being the only survivor, witnesses the final act of bravery before making his escape. He reports a failed mission to his commanders.
Despite Abe horrific dice luck we still had fun and I think he's caught the bug for playing. I hope we'll get another chance to play at some point. Hopefully he'll have his own team, which will be cool to see.