Tuesday 29 October 2019

Not Dead, Honest!

I'm back, after almost a month, I've been given the chance to sit back and write something up. It's been a fairly stressful time in work and gaming and hobby in general have taken a back seat for a spell. That said, now the Rugby World Cup is drawing to a close I can squeeze in some hobby time, before Christmas starts to ramp up.

A friend of mine has gotten himself hooked on Kings of War 3rd Ed, but his latest plan for an army required some real digging on his part for the right models. In the end he came to me for help. Here's what I've been up to...

The bodies are Warlord Games Zulu, a lovely little kit that I had from magazine. But what my friend wanted was archers for the kit. Having the right models on hand helped enormously with this project and it was great to get back into some sculpting. A few may have seen some more WIP shots appear on Twitter. Here are the finished arms, ready to go to the caster at the end of the month.
Whilst working on these I got hit with an idea for some personal components for my goblin army rebuild. I can't imagine using all of these when they're cast so odds are I'll sell my leftovers. If anyone is interested in a couple of sets of these, let me know.
I'll be sure to get some painted pictures of these done when the casts are finished next month probably.

I also used this as an opportunity to make a start on a project that I've been putting off for what seems like years. New models for Becky and Nigel (my characters from my indy comic). This is something I've just wanted to do for me, but I'll likely sell them through my publisher as a cool little extra when they're done. For now, here's a WIP for Nigel.

I'd love to make him a single piece cast, but cane is likely to be a separate piece for ease of casting. As for Becky, I'll be tackling her construction a little differently.

That's all for now, more soon.

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