Monday 8 July 2019

Welcome To Harleck 401st

After last weeks heat wave and subsequent boom in beer drinkers in work, this week (though just as hot) was noticeably quieter. The reason? I neither know nor care, but it gave me a little extra time to paint up the last of the Guard. The Harleck 401st are ready to go, but first I need some tanks. I already have my shopping list set out.

This Army has been an experiment in contrast paints and speed-painting for me. These are not my best work and comparing them to other models I've spent more time on, that fact becomes VERY obvious. That said, I like the look of them, I've managed to get 25 models built and painted to completion in a little over 4 weeks. Given how little free time I have to give to painting that works out to about 20ish hours of actual work. That includes building and converting some models and scouring bits boxes for more Cadian heads. All in all I'm really happy with the results and can't wait to get a few Hellhound Tanks added to the mix.

It's onto some LOTR minis next though as my local group will be playing a Battle of the 5 Armies game with as much stuff as we can put on the table. It's going to be pretty epic, just need to get to work.

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