Friday 21 June 2019

By Contrast

I'm sorry I couldn't think of a better title.

That said, onto what I've been doing. I took the plunge, like so many in the last weeks, into playing with Contrast Paints. I was excited to try the new range as various painters I follow on social media had been producing interesting results, also I haven't stretched my painting muscles properly for a while. (Yes I have been painting, but I haven't been experimenting with new techniques or materials for a while)

So I grabbed a few paints and a conveniently undercoated model and set to work.

I didn't pick up the Contrast Undercoat until later so the model I used was just what I had to hand, a converted knight for Mordheim. The steed was undercoated vermin brown and the knight was done black. after that I started throwing some paint around. It was a fun little process. The steed received several coats of Snakebite Leather and little else was needed. I used various coloured bases and different consistencies with mediums to get varied shades across different parts of the model.

And here's the final piece. As a model that has sat on my shelf for ages, I'm very pleased to have it finished at last. The fact the whole thing only took me TWO HOURS is just insane, yes I was timing myself. I imagine the process would have been quicker if I wasn't working backwards on the black undercoated knight, but as a test with something new, I think he looks pretty cool.

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