Tuesday 2 February 2021

Midnight Clad & Ready to Hit The Town

 Hello all! I've been a bit quiet the last week or so. Getting a few things in order about the house, but also pouring some real effort into finishing a small (ish) project that has been languishing unfinished for a LONG time. Way back when Kill Team Armageddon was a thing, I built a small Night Lords Warband. It was a fun little modeling project to see what I could build just using my bits box. No purchasing, just spares and repairs. Here they are for reference...

Nothing over the top. Some specialists, a few cultist meat-shields and some heavy hitters. Done! Sort of...

Well after a while, I started thinking. I have loads of left over chaos and space marine bits, even a few terminators bouncing about in shoe box. Could I build an army within the same restrictions ie. No additional purchases, just bits box? Well turns out I could and I did. The building was finished sometime in 2019, but painting was a bit of a slog as I never had the drive to get in and finish everything. Well I got the Stormcasts done for my buddy the other week, I decided to capitalize on that energy and finish off the Night Lords too. Enough build up, here's an army I built from a bits box. 

First up the grunts. As you can see the initial five Marines grew to fifteen and gained some extra weaponry. There was always the thought of making two squads of ten, but I started running out of bits. The cultists were probably the easiest part of the whole army to finish. I had plenty of general human/guardsman bits from various places so cobbling together a few more cultists wasn't hard.

Next, Elites. I had one terminator, but it took some digging to get a squad of five together. These lads are a real Frankenstein's Monster. Classic metal chaos models, current Terminators, Fantasy Chaos knights and greenstuff. The Classic models do seem a little on the short side, but when they're all together the squad looks pretty bad ass.

It's a Night Lords army right? So I knew I wanted some Raptors in the army, but I didn't have any jump packs and the Space Marine Jump Packs never really looked that cool on chaos models. I did have wings however. Several pairs, but to keep me from buying anything I had to trade with a friend to get the last set to build a squad of five. A bunch of bat winged Raptors fit nicely into the army and would become a visual focus for the army.

I had already built a Spawn for the Kill Team but I fancied another to add a bit more gribbleiness to the army. The two Spawn are a mash up of leftovers, off cuts and bits that really had now where else to go.

Next up are the bosses. What Chaos Warband is complete without a Sorcerer to be all dodgy and psychic. Built from an old Dark Angel with a head swap and various Chaos bits, this guy was a last minute addition during the build phase of the project. I think 40k had just updated and the rules meant I needed two HQ choices for a complete army. I wasn't sure what to do with the flame at first, but I basecoated it white before deciding on a suitable colour. Once it was bascoated however, I really liked the finished look so I added dry brushing to finish it off and left him as is.

The last model to show off. This guy was one of the first model after the Kill Team to get built and painted, so he's been waiting a long while to see this day. The Chaos Lord and master of the Warband. Built from a classic Abbadon model and plenty of extra bits, he stands taller than the other Terminators, but I put him on a rock to make sure he wasn't made to look short by anyone else.

Finally, the family photo to show everything off.

They're not likely to see any play anytime soon sadly and part of me was thinking of selling them. I'd done what I set out to do, but my Ork army will always be my go to for gaming and I feel like this lot might just end up stuck in a box not doing much. But since finishing them, I'm now rethinking it.

Let me know what you think, C&C always welcome. 

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