Though I finished these guys last week, I've only recently had a chance to photograph them. Now I've made my excuses, onto the Weapons Road Show!
First up the Kaptain of the self proclaimed "Kings of Dakka" Boss Thugnutz and his over burdened ammo runt, Flint. The Boss' weapon of choice is the obnoxiously noisy "Terrorizor". Built from a heavily modified imperial auto-cannon, this beast of a gun has been fitted with additional medium range assault weapons for those jobs that require quantity of fire over quality. The fact that everything is wired up to the same trigger is irreverent.

Next is the Kings' Mek, Zaggrok. When he's not tinkering with the squads guns to correct minor issues or improve on performance, he's working on his personalized energy blaster, the "Flash Kannon Supreme!" Powered by multiple stripped back plasma batteries and then given an extra boost using Orky Kno-Wotz, this suped-up plasma cannon boasts an impressive rate of fire, recharge time and background radiation. Zaggrok has had trouble keeping grot assistants alive whilst working on the gun's power pack as a result of it's radioactive nature. It never occurred to him to give the grots a lead vest too.

In mob of trigger happy show-offs, Og is the worst. He make outrageous claims, both on and off the battlefield, regarding his marksmanship with his favourite gun Little Og. Perhaps worst of all is Og's ability to back up most of his bragging. For an Ork, Og tends to hit his mark more often than not and can indeed write his own name in bullets in the landscape. It would be more impressive if he could actually spell his name however.

Grizzgutz used to be a loota boy before he got into a fight with an Ogryn over ownership of a ripper gun.. After winning the fight and taking the ripper gun as a trophy, he sank his fortune into kustomizing it into something more his style: namely louder and heavier than when he found it. Due to heavy caliber rounds and the tremendous recoil on this newly constructed monstrosity, Grizzguts is roundly mocked as the worst shot in the mob. The jokes tend to die down a bit though when he does score a hit, especially after the time Grizzgutz blew up a Land Raider with one shot.

The one-ork-arsenal that is Baggrot is a sight to behold. The weapon, referred to as "The Gun Rack" is the result of one Mek not knowing when to stop sticking guns together. "The Gun Rack" cost a fortune to build and has cost many times that amount in ammo over the years, so much in fact, that Baggrot is possibly the ONLY Ork known to exercise restraint and ammo conservation. It is also possible that this could have been mistaken for the gun jamming all the time.
And that's the lot. I've got some other projects to start working on so I'll hopefully have something next week.