Wednesday 20 April 2016

Cakebread and Walton make What?

Something a bit different today, Folks.

A little while back I did some work for some very nice people on a series of one shot RPG rules. Now the wonderfully pleasant duo of Cakebread and Walton have approached me again for a new project and this time it's a BIGGY. I won't say too much as the boys will be more than happy to talk about the project over on their website (linked above)

I, however, will give a quick mention of their OneDice series. A set of quick and easy RPG rules with a variety of settings, from the usual fantasy, steampunk and sci-fi to more unique genres of RPG such as B-movies, cold war and world war 2. So now I've waffled sufficiently I'll get on with some work and leave you all alone for another few days. Here's a selection of the work I've done for the OneDice series so far and there will be more to come.

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