Into The West has been a long running key event on my calendar for several years now and to my great disappointment I wasn't able to attend the last few years for a multitude of reasons. Now that times have changed I'm happy to say I was able to get back into some Middle-earth gaming and Into The West had a space for me.
This time I wanted to try out some of the Rohan I got painted. These were going to be a quick paint and eBay sale army, but after so long out of the game I thought they'd be a nice easy reintroduction to rules and I'd be able to pick the game back up as I went along into the the tournament. After not playing any MESBG since mid 2020, I could do with a straight forward army plan.
The army I took worked off a simple plan: Step1, shoot a few weak points into the enemy line where possible. Step2, charge. Step3, repeat step2 as required to complete any actual mission that may be in effect. See? Simple, Theoden is not the greatest damage dealer in the force, but he can hold out for a while whilst Eomer acts as a wrecking ball to clear enemy spods. Gamling will just hang about with the Royal Banner to keep everyone topped up with might and re-rolls and we should all be home in time for dinner...right?
Game1 Andy
Bringing Rohan to the first game, Andy, much like myself was back to finding his feet with the rules after a hiatus. He was using a combo list of Rohan lead by Theoden and Minas Tirith allies. The mission was to capture a relic in your opponents half of the board, whilst protecting your own. Andy had more cavalry than I did, and could afford to use the Minas Tirith force as rear guard. I went on the offence with Theoden and Gamling taking the majority of the riders over the hill in the centre of the field to put pressure on Andy. With both of us fielding Cavalry, it was down to the Heros and the charge bonuses awarded by Theoden to do the damage. Meanwhile, Eomer went after the relic in Andy's deployment.

The cavalry fight in the centre became a tarpit for all involved until Andy got a breakout turn, send 2 riders to grab the relic behind my lines and even chipping a wound off Theoden. Eomer put a dent in the Minas Tirith lines, killing their captain and then grabbing the objective. However I wasn't to have it all my own way. Eomer wiffed his last combat and got himself surrounded by a lot of angry Gondorians. Despite a savage kicking, Eomer survived just long enough to get clear of the Gondor Infantry, but not far enough to win any big points. Likewise, Andy had to hold onto the relic in my deployment zone to avoid any contest as the fight in the middle was swinging back my way, but not in time to make a difference. The Game ended with both of us holding our opponents relic, but the wound Andy put on my Leader scored him the over all win.
A great first game that was close every step of the way and Andy was a gent all the way through as we both began to figure out what our armies were capable of. I hope he was able to take as much from this game as I did, as I was now ready to take on anything.
Game2 Jake
Break through enemy lines, stop enemy forces escaping off the board edge and delyed forces? Cavalry should make this easy enough, just have to keep an eye on things. Jake brough Dol Guldur to the table, lead by Bolg and was certainly going to make me work for it. I was able to get all my forces onto the table nice and early, allowing me to set my plans. Jake, didn't waste time though, sending wargs out to escape the fray as quick as possible, hugging cover along the flanks. The bulk of the orc forces advanced up the middle to bait the Rohan charge, but at this point, Bolg was nowhere to be seen. Guess no one gave him the message there was a fight.
I failed to stop the wargs escaping the field and I knew I would need to cause some damage to orcs to break their morale. Bolg would turn up eventually and that would be a problem when he did. At first I had some good luck with charges and a few heroic combats, even Theoden going on a bit of a rampage for a turn, but it was a short lived joy. Making a fashionably late entrance, Bolg came charging into the fray to show everyone how it was done. Crippling Eomer and Gamling, leaving them to be killed by his underlings, then out right killing Theoden in one swing ended the game in the most brutal way. Jake walked off with a 12-0 win, and fair play to him. He was fun to talk to and was happy give me a few bits of insight to lists and plans as we went along. Bolg, without a doubt secured him the big win, but it was by no means a lack of skill on his part. He played the mission and just let the big orc do his thing after the fact.

Game3 Sam
Still looking for my first win, Sam presented me with a new challenge: an army of 4 Giant Eagles. These big beasties were going to be tough to fight as they out stripped anything I had on the board and they'd unhorse anything they charged, making any long term come back impossible. The mission was to hunt the lost relic. 6 possible locations, rolling to find the prize at each one. We both played for time to try and force the last location searched into automatically being the relic, but I got... lucky? I dug up the relic in the centre of the board on accident, then had to play keep away for as long as possible. But Eagles are faster than horses, and stronger. It wasn't long before Sam had caught up with the relic bearer and put him down, only for another rider to dart in and claim it. once more the Eagle killed the bearer and cast the relic to the dirt.
Now Theoden stepped up to defend the Relic, and managed to a pretty good job. The game ended with Theoden holding the relic and I had my first win at 7-3...
Actually, no. After the game, I learned we had been playing the Relic incorrectly, turns out the Eagle gets to claim the relic as it kills the bearer, mean I would never have the chance to pick it up the second time. I found Sam, who had come to the same realization and we quickly got the TOs up to speed. Sam to his well earned 9-0 and I was back on the hunt for my first win.
Sam was a true gent about the whole thing and I have to thank Laura and Matt for making the corrections to the scores at the last minute.
Game4 Mike
End of Day1 and it was to be a straight up fight to the death for the Game4. Up walks Mike with a horde of Hobbits and we both knew how this was going to go.
What can I say? Mike, sorry, you did everything right, everything you could, but for my part I went into the Shire folk with the intention to commit war crimes. All four of the named Hobbit heroes were either dead or wounded and the rank and file hobbits were butchered whole sale. I took a 12-0 victory without breaking a sweat, but Mike to his credit was smiling the whole way. I hope he faired better in later games.
Game5 Ruth
Day2 and Ruth came to the table with Rivedell, featuring both Elrond and Arwen. Two powerful casters, both able to use Natures Wrath that would leave my army on foot if I wasn't carful. After a few years back, play with Last Alliance, I had been on the receiving end of a few tricks to keep Elrond from casting. I knew if I could get Arwen out of the way, then I'd only have worry about Elrond.
Ruth got super aggressive with Arwen early on, sending her into a fight against some well placed riders, but didn't cast Wrath. My guess was she was hoping for a bigger impact. A pair of riders weren't worth the effort. That was until Gamling stepped up to counter charge and cut her down in a single round of combat.
It seemed my luck from the previous day was holding on for a bit as I got a lucky bow shot and felled the Elven Banner, leaving Elrond and his remaining knights to fight Eomer and chums as they were.
Elrond eventual broke out from Eomer's trap and rode amongst the larger force of riders lead by Theoden and Gamling, casting the inevitable Nature's Wrath I was doomed to suffer at least once this game.
By now, almost everyone was knocked on foot, and Elrond was struggling against Theoden and Gamling whilst Eomer made short work of any stray Elves. Across the field, a lone Rider of Rohan secured a farm house as part of the missions objectives. We assume he just hung out on the sofa and raided the cupboard whist everyone else was fighting.

Before long, Bothe armies were broken and bloody. Elrond held out against all three of the Rohan Heroes for several turns. failing to slay any of them, but refusing to die either. Evetually, Theoden failed his courage test and fled the field leaving Eomer and Gamling to do all the work. Also, the Rider of Rohan at the farm house had had his fill of stollen beer and crisps and also fled the field,costing a few VPs in the process.
In the end, it was a very hard fought game, but easily one of the most entertaining of the weekend. Ruth had so much energy from start to finish and was never dismayed no matter what the out come of the dice. I took a 5-2 win and Ruth gifted me a custom dice as well.
Game6 Callum
Finally, a movie match up. Isengard v Rohan. Lots of heavy hitting infantry and pikes, backed up with fast moving scouts to try and counter my mobility. a very solid counter balance to what I was fielding.
My plan was to claim a few early objectives in the mid field and then try to break the Uruk-Hai pikes on the flank. The pull back once they were suitably mauled to deal with the lightly armoured scouts and claim any unguarded objectives.
But the dice had other plans. Callum's scouts ran into my half of the board straight for the objectives I had claimed. Meanwhile, the pike block lost several of it's numbers, but dispite the beating, refused to let the Rohirrim withdraw. Multiple times I tried to pull my lines back to reclaim lost objectives and every time, Callum stopped me. The Uruk-Hai capitalized on this and broke the army, before anymore could be done the game ended with Callum holding 4/5 objectives and still unbroken.
A solid 9-0 to Callum. The Game ended exactly when it need to for him to win big. Another turn, who knows, but it wasn't my game. Callum played it brilliantly, using the scenery to hand and refusing to give me any quarter. Well done.
Game7 Steve
Final game and it was Isengard again. A different style of army to game6, featuring more scouts and orcs with weaker heroes to lead. This would be interesting as both our Leader were facing off in the middle of the board, Theoden v Ugluk. Whoever took first turn was going to dictate play, but I want to manoeuvre out of the Uruk-Hai swarm before Theoden could get swamped. I got lucky, first priority went to the Rohirrim and was able to back up and for the cavalry line.
The Uruks advanced hoping to get the counter charge, but my dice had woken up. After 6 games, my dice were unstoppable. Every priority, Heroic action and combat was mine to use, it was a massacre. Theoden personally killed 2 Uruk-hai captains (one being Ugluk himself) and several Uruk-hai. Gamling was a wrecking ball to anything that didn't have a horse and Eomer was just as vicious if not worse.
All credit to Steve, he took it in his stride, a 11-1 to me in the end. And with that, the day was done.
Into The West 2023 was an absolute blast. I t was so good to see people I hadn't seen in over 3 years at this point and also great to meet new people too. 7 fantastic games and equally fantastic opponents. Massive thanks to Matt and Laura the TOs for everything and well done to all the winners. I have my own plans for next year's event. I'm hoping to get some work done to compete in the creative competitions and brig a whole new army army to the field.
MESBG is alive and well in Cardiff folks, look us up.