Sunday 18 August 2019

Protocol 55 Campaign Pt4

Privateers Inbound
Inquisitor Lux had dispatched local guard squadrons to hunt down the Ork pirates and wayward Tyranids. His
attention had been diverted for too long already. The Mechanicus Excavators had eluded him for now, but Lux
still held their initial find: The Casket. It had taken his savants weeks to decipher the inscriptions covering the
strange obelisk, but Lux’s patience had paid off. The Casket was a map, a guide to another hidden vault containing
even greater stores of ancient technology. Inquisitor Lux would continue the treasure hunt.

Game1 Mission Critical
The Vault was maze! A marvel of architecture and technology that was both storage facility and combination lock.
At the heart of the complex sat the controls for the structure’s locking protocols. To open everything, multiple
terminals had to be accessed at the same time, at different locations. Lux and his team would need to split up in
order to open the complex’s lower levels.

Lux and his team secure the central controls, but others have broken into the vault. Either by luck or design,
another rogue enters the fray.

The Kroot mercenary senses his prey.

The Rogue Trader’s personal guard stalk the complex and secure one of the terminals. They await for further
orders, only to be ambushed from the shadows by a brutal psychic assault. The room is lit by by an evil fire as
The Scorched drifts into view.

At the central control station, Inquisitor Lux encounters resistance of his own. An chrono-gladiator, as big and
brutal as B4N3 bursts from the dark corridors and charges the acolyte. The loyal henchman quickly dives for
cover allowing B4N3 to fight his opposite number.

The Kroot edges around the generator seeking prey. The stench of engine oil conceals the scent of promethium.
Too late the alien mercenary realises his mistake.

The cyborg warriors clash but B4N3 seems sluggish, his adversary cuts him down as he freezes utterly. Sparks burst
in the air as the presence of another psyker becomes apparent to Lux. With B4N3 crippled, Inquisitor Lux is forced
to fend for himself against the rampaging Chrono-gladiator. His loyal acolyte stepping in to offer aid.

At one of the control nodes, the Rogue Troopers find themselves out matched by the Zealous fury of The Knight.

Meanwhile the The Scorched moves through the corridors with malicious intent.

Lux is injured by the chrono-gladiator and forced into a corner. The Cyborg beast is unable to finish the
Inquisitor permanently as the Acolytes hold the assailant at bay.

Amongst all the confusion, Lux receives a communication from one of his team. The crafty henchman has used the node at his position to alter the access codes. The central control panel is no longer the master control to the complex. Lux allows himself a pained smile as the control panel in front of his deactivates. The only glow in the room now emanates from The Scorched, casting the Rogue Trader and his surviving team in a red glare.


The Trader orders the retreat, his remaining operatives fall back through the demolished entrance they first made.

Game2 Surrounded.

Empty…. all that effort and bloodshed and the vault was empty. No wonder the Mechanicus Team had been so
quiet. They had gotten ahead of Lux, found their prize and left the Inquisitor with an empty locked box. A
reckoning was due. Suddenly Lux’s head was split with agony. His vision swam, before he finally blacked out
he saw the the Rogue Pysker from the vault step into view. A Reckoning was due, but not for Inquisitor Lux
just yet.

Enraged by the Unclean assault on his master, The Knight charged forth only for a Kroot Mercenary to bar his
path. The Pysker stepped passed the embattled Knight towards the downed Inquisitor.

His failing life signs triggered a warning to the Inquisitor’s allies within the district, but there arrival had been
anticipated. Heavily armed troops were waiting for whatever reinforcements came to Lux’s aid.

The attempt to recover their fallen master was a failing hope. The Knight dispatched both the Kroot and the
crazed chrono-gladiator that joined the frey, but looked on helplessly as more troops entered the courtyard to
support the psyker. 

The Knight heard a coded message on his comm-link: “Withdraw and find me.” it said. Their master would be

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