Decided to throw down some Kill Team this week. My house mate is eager to get his Dark Eldar painted and it's a good reason for me to get some more of my 40k teams finished amongst other things. The mission was a straight forward Assassination mission. The Dark Eldar were going to try and kill the Blood Angels Leader and I was going to tell them otherwise.
I set up my Space Marines in 2 forces. The majority would act as a bodyguard to my Leader whist the Veteran Specialist and some of the Scouts went on the other flank to hold off the Dark Eldar from flanking me.
The Dark Eldar went all out on the one flank. It looked like their plan would be to try and steam roll the Scouts and the Veteran and then use their superior speed to surround the rest of my team.

The Blood Angels began by moving up the street to set up lanes of fire. I Knew the Dark Eldar would have to get in close to get their target so I held my leader back and waited for the knife happy Wychs to reveal themselves.
Meanwhile, the Wychs get caught in an ally by the Scouts. A lucky grenade causes chaos and drops 2 of the Eldar before they can close in on the Scouts.
The Veteran pulls back from the blade storm of Eldar gladiator weaponry to keep the flank from being over run. The Scouts, refusing to dishonour their chapter, make a good account for themselves, holding the line despite the odds. It is valiant effort, but one of the Scouts is cut down.
The Dark Eldar Leader and her cronies take the barracade at the top of the street. The Space Marine Comms Specialist is blasted apart by the alien's deadly weaponry, leaving the Scout to hold the top of the street alone.
In the alley, the last Scout continues his duel as the Veteran watches the main street, waiting for his opportunity. The Space Marine Combat Specialist also finds himself assailed. Though he quickly dispatches is attacker, the distraction proves enough to allow the Dark Eldar to make their move for their target.
The Eldar Wych Leader leaps the barracade and charges the Marine Leader,
Shots are fired, but combat is never joined...
The Eldar Leader falls to the ground from a single round. Not from the Sergeant, but the Veteran hiding down the alley.
Thoroughly beaten and demoralized, the Dark Eldar flee the the battle.
this was a great game to get back into Kill Team with. (Though perhaps not for the Eldar) Space Marines are a very forgiving team to use when relearning the rules. The Dark Eldar on the other hand are a different story, very much a glass cannon we settled on a unlucky rolls and missed opportunities causing the Eldar attack to stall before it really got going. I promised next time to use my Orks as that way my house mate won't have to deal with power armour. I can't swear to them being painted, but it'll be fun to use them.